1720742565 USC Chan Admissions Blog USC Chan Admissions Blog:Admissions Blog from USC Chan Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy 2024-07-12T00:02:45Z Copyright (c) 2020, Dr. Amber Bennett ExpressionEngine tag:https:,2020:07:07 Scholarships for the Entry-Level OTD Program tag:https:,2022:/chan.usc.edu/education/admissions-team/blog/39.8932 2022-11-09T22:30:00Z 2024-07-12T00:01:30Z Dr. Amber Bennett ambennet@chan.usc.edu In this video, Associate Professor and Admissions Director, Dr. Amber Bennett, outlines the scholarships available for applicants of our USC Chan Entry-Level OTD Program: Division Tuition Scholarships, Vision Scholarships, and Research Student Worker positions. We recommend applying for as many scholarships as you can and completing your scholarship applications at the same time as your program application. Apply, apply, apply!

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Admissions Tips for the Post-Professional OTD Program tag:https:,2022:/chan.usc.edu/education/admissions-team/blog/39.8742 2022-07-15T21:45:00Z 2024-07-11T21:06:21Z Catherine Shin hyon.min.shin@chan.usc.edu Planning on applying to the Post-Professional Doctorate program? Watch this video by Dr. Catherine Shin, Assistant Professor of Clinical Occupational Therapy and member of the Admissions Team as she provides a breakdown of the application and important tips on how to improve yours!

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Admission Tips for the Entry-Level OTD Program tag:https:,2021:/chan.usc.edu/education/admissions-team/blog/39.8136 2021-09-29T19:23:00Z 2024-07-11T21:08:36Z Dr. Amber Bennett ambennet@chan.usc.edu In this video, Assistant Professor and Admissions Team member, Dr. Amber Bennett, shares helpful tips and insight on how to maximize your admissions application for the Entry-Level OTD program. Student applicants would not want to miss this!

{exp:chanyoutube title="Admission Tips for the Entry-Level OTD Program" id="J1gBx_uCpXo"}

Farewell USC Chan! tag:https:,2021:/chan.usc.edu/education/admissions-team/blog/39.8129 2021-09-27T21:33:00Z 2024-02-05T05:11:00Z Dr. Kristin Nxumalo nxumalo@chan.usc.edu This Thursday, September 30th, 2021 will by my last day as Faculty in the Chan Division. It has been such an honor to serve the students both within the Division and the applicants to our programs! It is a bittersweet farewell, as I am relocating back to my home state of Oregon to be closer to my family. I am excited about this new adventure, but I will miss my USC friends and colleagues. I wish each of you the best on your professional journey in occupational therapy. And as always . . . . Fight On!

GRE Requirement Waived for 2021 & 2022 Admissions Cycles tag:https:,2020:/chan.usc.edu/education/admissions-team/blog/39.7538 2020-10-01T21:44:00Z 2021-12-31T22:07:01Z Dr. Arameh Anvarizadeh Arameh.Anvarizadeh@chan.usc.edu I am writing today to share an important update to our holistic admission criteria for all students applying to begin one of our graduate degree programs in occupational therapy in 2021 or 2022. USC understands that graduate program applicants’ ability to complete the GRE examination may have been significantly impacted by the COVID-19 global pandemic. As a result, the university has temporarily suspended the GRE requirement for all applicants during the 2021 and 2022 admissions cycles. At this time, you will no longer need to submit a GRE score to be considered for admission to USC Chan, and any scores submitted will not be considered when making any admissions decisions.

We understand that many of our applicants have already taken the GRE, with the understanding that it is an admissions requirement. However, we have also received numerous inquiries from applicants who have been unable to take the GRE for a number of reasons related to the COVID-19 pandemic. Our holistic admissions process aims to increase access and decrease barriers to higher education. Due to the challenges related to GRE scheduling, we believe that removing the GRE from our admission requirements allows us to more equitably consider all applicants for the 2021 and 2022 cohorts.

Please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions or concerns.  The entire USC Chan Admissions Team and our Student Ambassadors are all available to support you throughout this year’s admissions process. We thank you for your understanding during these unprecedented times.

Scholarships tag:https:,2020:/chan.usc.edu/education/admissions-team/blog/39.7425 2020-08-04T20:54:00Z 2024-07-12T00:02:19Z Dr. Arameh Anvarizadeh Arameh.Anvarizadeh@chan.usc.edu USC Chan Director of Admissions Dr. Arameh Anvarizadeh outlines the scholarships available for applicants to our Entry-Level OTD Program, including: Research Student Worker, Division Tuition Scholarships, and Vision Scholarships. Dr. Anvarizadeh notes that the scholarship deadlines and admissions deadlines are the same, so applicants should consider completing both applications at the same time. Read more about USC Chan scholarships and other available scholarships and financial resources.

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Why Holistic Admissions? tag:https:,2020:/chan.usc.edu/education/admissions-team/blog/39.7337 2020-07-07T23:51:00Z 2024-07-12T00:02:45Z Dr. Arameh Anvarizadeh Arameh.Anvarizadeh@chan.usc.edu Check out my first video blog in which I outline the changes to our Entry-Level Master’s Degree Program admissions criteria that are intended to make our process more holistic. These updates include: the removal of minimums for the GRE, extending the time period for the acceptance of prerequisite courses from five years to seven years, and the addition of a video interview.

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New Scholarships and Financial Aid Web Page tag:https:,2019:/chan.usc.edu/education/admissions-team/blog/39.6862 2019-09-11T18:22:00Z 2021-12-31T22:22:36Z Dr. Amber Bennett ambennet@chan.usc.edu The USC Chan Admissions Team has been working diligently on our new Scholarships and Financial Aid page. On this new web page, which is housed under the Education tab, you can find comprehensive information about all the financial resources available to you at USC. You can also apply for our scholarships directly through this page!

We are often asked how individuals finance their educations here at USC, and the Admissions Team is happy to share our stories since we are all alumni of this program. I earned a merit-based scholarship from the USC Chan Division which covered a portion of my tuition. I borrowed the remainder in the form of Federal Student Loans, a process which our wonderful Financial Aid office walked me through step by step. Since I had federal loans, upon graduation I applied for the Income-Based Repayment Plan as well as the Public Service Loan Forgiveness Program. These strategies have been very helpful as I manage and pay back my student loans.

Please feel free to reach out to the Admissions Team with additional questions you may have about Scholarships and Financial Aid!

New Holistic Admissions Process tag:https:,2019:/chan.usc.edu/education/admissions-team/blog/39.6847 2019-09-04T21:21:00Z 2021-12-31T22:15:40Z Dr. Kristin Nxumalo nxumalo@chan.usc.edu I’m really excited to share that the Admissions Team has updated our holistic admissions process! A holistic review evaluates applicants based on cognitive and non-cognitive traits, which will ensure that more than one factor will contribute to admissions decisions. To do this, the Admissions Team has created five-key criteria on which we will evaluate each applicant equally. Those criteria are:

  • GPA
  • Graduate Record Exam (GRE) results
  • Letters of Recommendation
  • USC Personal Statement
  • OTCAS required statements

We are also introducing a Phase II to our application cycle. Meaning that the top applicants who are evaluated on the above criteria will be invited to Phase II. In Phase II, applicants will be required to submit a brief video statement. Details regarding this phase will be provided to those who are invited.

Please see our website for more details regarding the holistic admissions process.

We are excited to launch this new chapter of holistic admissions, and as always, our Admissions Team is here to answer any questions you might have!

New Director of Admissions tag:https:,2019:/chan.usc.edu/education/admissions-team/blog/39.6447 2019-03-08T23:12:00Z 2019-03-08T23:16:42Z Dr. Arameh Anvarizadeh Arameh.Anvarizadeh@chan.usc.edu Hello,

I wanted to introduce myself as the new Director of Admissions. I look forward to working with future students in your journey towards an occupational therapy degree.

2019 Entry-Level Master’s Program Applicants tag:https:,2019:/chan.usc.edu/education/admissions-team/blog/39.6277 2019-02-08T17:34:00Z 2021-12-31T22:23:30Z Dr. Kristin Nxumalo nxumalo@chan.usc.edu Thank you to all of you who submitted an application for our Entry-Level Master’s Program that will begin in June, 2019! The admissions committee is busy reviewing applications and plans to notify all applicants who had a verified and complete OTCAS application prior to the November 30th deadline by the end of February with an admissions decision. Some of these applicants may hear from us sooner. If your application was submitted or became verified and complete after November 30th you may hear back a bit later, as the committee is prioritizing applicants that were received on time.

We thank you all for your interest in the USC Chan Division of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy and wish you all the best on your journey toward becoming occupational therapists! Please feel free to contact us directly if you have any questions about the status of your application or our admissions process. Our Admissions Team is here to assist you.
