University of Southern California
University of Southern California
NICU lab identity

Neonatal Eating Outcome Assessment

Eating is an important part of daily life; it ensures nutrition for growth and is an important activity of daily living with strong social implications. The construct of feeding/eating is especially important in preterm infants, who are born without the maturity that enables successful oral feeding. Further, preterm infants have high rates of long-term feeding problems. While much emphasis has been placed on maintaining the quality of nutrition, through breast milk or formula and supplemental feeding strategies, less attention has focused on the feeding ability of preterm infants.

There are few tools available to assess feeding in neonates, and the ones that are available do not account for the significant developmental changes that occur from preterm birth until term equivalent age. To address this issue, we have developed the Neonatal Eating Outcome Assessment tool, which assesses the most important clinically and research-derived factors associated with feeding skills in preterm infants. This tool can potentially improve the understanding of age appropriate feeding skills, improve early identification of feeding difficulties, and enable targeted interventions to preterm infants with problems eating.



Stage of Development



Neonatal Eating Outcome Assessment Training

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Purchase Neonatal Eating Outcome Assessment

Please note that purchasers of the Neonatal Eating Outcome Assessment must agree to the following terms and conditions.

Neonatal Eating Outcome Assessment Terms & Conditions

Neonatal Eating Outcome Assessment
Purchase leads to us sending you a manual for the Neonatal Eating Outcome Assessment. Purchase also grants you permission for unlimited use of the Neonatal Eating Outcome Assessment in your facility, with permission to print off score sheets using the link below as often as needed.

Neonatal Eating Outcome Assessment Score Sheets
Pack of 25 score sheets. (If you have purchased the assessment, you have permission to print off score sheets yourself below.)

The score sheet for the Neonatal Eating Outcome Assessment may be downloaded/printed as much as is needed by each institution that has purchased the Neonatal Eating Outcome Assessment ‘at-cost,’ which is currently $75 (see above). The score sheet is not intended to be used in isolation, as the manual is needed for the appropriate scoring criteria across each item.