University of Southern California
University of Southern California
MSOP lab identity


Introducing Hand Therapists to Sonographic Imaging
October 12, 2017

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MSOP Presenters at ASHT 2017 Conference

Along with USC Keck Hospital Hand Therapists Aimee Aguillon and Janice Rocker, Dr. Roll and PhD Student Sandy Takata (pictured above l-r) provided a pre-conference institute at the 2017 annual conference of the American Society of Hand Therapists in Anaheim, CA — all the while sporting Micky & Minnie Mouse ears!  At this four-hour, hands-on workshop, hand therapists were introduced to the use of musculoskeletal sonography and its many applications for enhancing assessment and intervention for hand therapy clients. Attendees received multiple hours of hands-on practice, learning how to use sonography and exploring the many structures in the hands that can be seen. The attendees even got a chance to see some of their own pathologies using the imaging!

Click on the links below for a few short clips of the hands-on sessions:

ASHT Hands-On Sonography — Dr. Roll ⟩

ASHT Hands-On Sonography — Janice Rocker, OTD, CHT ⟩