University of Southern California
University of Southern California
MSOP lab identity


MSOP Lab Director Roll Inducted into AOTF Academy of Research ⟩
April 14, 2021

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Dr. Roll Inducted into AOTF Academy of Research

Photo by: Carell Augustus

Dr. Shawn Roll, MSOP Lab Director, was inducted into the American Occupational Therapy Foundation’s Academy of Research. This honorary academy was established in 1983 to recognize individuals who have made exemplary, distinguished, and sustained contributions toward the science of occupational therapy. At the time of his induction, Dr. Roll joins a select group of only 75 other researchers to join this prestigious group. You can read a brief interview about his contributions on the AOTF AOR Website. Watch Dr. Roll’s overview presentation of his career to date at the AOTF Research Excellence Symposium on the MSOP YouTube Channel.

New High-Impact Publication: MSOP identifies factors impacting health and well-being while working from home during COVID-19 ⟩
March 15, 2021

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Impacts of Working From Home During COVID-19 Pandemic on Physical and Mental Well-Being of Office Workstation Users

MSOP’s recent publication in the Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine has been making a strong impact through media releases and reaching the top 1% of all articles published in this high-impact journal. The manuscript describes results of a nationwide survey of nearly 1,000 office workers who transitioned to working from home during COVID-19, finding that nearly two-thirds reported having one or more new physical health issues and nearly three-fourths experienced at least one new mental health issue. The most significant predictors of poorer health were decreased physical activity, increased junk food intake, lack of communication with coworkers, and having a toddler at home. Female respondents and respondents with an annual income of less than 100k reported more health issues compared to male respondents and respondents with higher incomes. Numerous additional factors including other dependents in the home and the physical work environment in the home impacted worker health status. Read the full text ⟩

Introducing AI in Office Workspaces — Yoko Fukumura’s First Publication! ⟩
February 10, 2021

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Worker Perspectives on Incorporating Artificial Intelligence into Office Workspaces: Implications for the Future of Office Work

The new MSOP publication, published in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, describes office worker perspectives on incorporating artificial intelligence (AI) into office workspaces. The study explored workers’ views on including AI in their office workspace to monitor and adapt the environment for comfort and health, as well as to monitor user behaviors and posture to provide feedback to improve health and well-being. Six focus group interviews with a total of 45 participants were conducted. Among findings related to privacy concerns and impacts on work performance and productivity, this manuscript reports on generally positive responses of the focus group participants framed by the complex and diverse individual needs of office workers that AI systems should aim to accommodate. Read the full text ⟩

Yiyang Fang’s first publication: Characterization of tasks and time efficiency of dental hygiene students during clinical training ⟩
October 5, 2020

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The new MSOP publication, published in the Journal of Dental Hygiene, describes the task and time efficiency of dental hygiene students during clinical training. Patient appointments conducted by dental hygiene students have three times the duration of a typical dental hygiene care session, indicating a disconnect between educational training and clinical practice. Dental hygiene educational programs might consider techniques including stricter time constraints and the use of video recording, in order to improve time efficiency. Read the full text ⟩

New MSOP Study: Preliminary Evidence for Mind-Body Techniques in Hand Therapy ⟩
September 14, 2020

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A newly published MSOP lab study demonstrates the utility of mind-body techniques as preparatory activities for hand therapy patients. Specifically, when provided with a brief mindfulness-based intervention at the outset of a hand therapy visit, patients reported a significant decrease in anxiety that was maintained throughout the therapy session. Moreover, when experiencing either a mindful body scan or sonographic biofeedback at the outset of a hand therapy visit, patients demonstrated a greater decrease in stress biomarkers (i.e., salivary cortisol) across the therapy session.  Decreasing anxiety and stress may be exceptionally useful for preparing patients to more fully engage in their hand therapy sessions and reducing stress-related hormones can promote healing.  This preliminary study serves as an early proof-of-concept and establishes feasibility for further investigation of integrating mind-body techniques into hand therapy across a full episode of care. Read the full study ⟩

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