University of Southern California
Mrs T.H. Chan Division of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy
Neural Plasticity and Neurorehabilitation Laboratory | News

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2016 Brainhack Los Angeles

Sep 14, 2016

Registration is now open for Brainhack Los Angeles – Big Data Tools for Connectomics (!

This 3-day workshop will be held November 10-12, 2016 in Los Angeles, California just before the 2016 Society for Neuroscience (SFN) Annual Meeting (transportation to SFN will be provided; see below). Brainhack events ( bring researchers from disparate backgrounds together to collaborate on problems in neuroscience. Similar to hackathons in the tech sector, much of the schedule is left open for attendees to work together on projects of their choosing. We also include unconference sessions that consist of talks that are chosen by the attendees based on their interests as they evolve throughout the meeting and ignite talks to spark discussion around the theme of “Big Data Tools for Connectomics.” Brainhacks are not “coding sprints” or exclusive to programmers - brain scientists, engineers, programmers, and more from all backgrounds can and will make a significant contribution to the event.

Brainhack Los Angeles will feature open discussions and projects related to developing, analyzing, and visualizing big datasets, with a particular focus on connectomics (e.g., functional and structural connectivity using fMRI or diffusion MRI, genomics, metabolomics, etc.). Brainhack Los Angeles is supported by and brings together the incredible expertise of two NIH BD2K Centers (ENIGMA [] and Big Data for Discovery Science []) and an NIH P41 Center (ReproNim: Center for Reproducible Neuroimaging Computation []). The massive Consortium for Reproducibility and Reliability dataset (1,629 Subjects, 3,357 Anatomical Scans, 5,093 Resting Functional Scans, 1,302 Diffusion Scans) is the official dataset for Brainhack Los Angeles, and raw and preprocessed versions of the data will be available locally during the event. Attendees are also encouraged to bring their own data and project ideas (join the Brainhack Slack [] from the website above to get started on discussing ideas – channel: brainhack-la-2016).

Working papers describing outcomes from Brainhack Los Angeles will be eligible for publication in the Gigascience Brainhack Thematic Series. Shorter project reports from the event will be eligible for publication in the annual Brainhack Proceedings.

Registration can be completed via the Brainhack LA website and costs $125, which includes breakfast, lunch, dinner and refreshments on each of the three days, as well as travel on the first ever ‘mobile hackathon bus’ that will provide opportunities for continued hacking and collaboration and will take Brainhack participants from Los Angeles to the San Diego Convention Center for the Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting on Saturday afternoon.

Thanks to generous funding from our sponsors, including an NIH BD2K Centers-Coordination Center Hackathon award, $500 travel awards will be available for a limited number of students and post docs. The application deadline for awards has been extended to October 7, 2016 – see the website [] for more details.

Email .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) for more information.