Dr. Sook-Lei Liew receives an American Heart Association National Innovative Research Grant
Dec 8, 2015
We are excited to announce that Dr. Sook-Lei Liew was recently awarded a National Innovative Research Grant from the American Heart Association. The project, entitled “REINVENT: A Closed-Loop VR Neurofeedback System for Motor Recovery after Severe Stroke,” led by Liew, is in collaboration with excellent researchers and clinicians from USC’s Institute of Creative Technologies, University of Siena, Harvard University School of Medicine, Rancho Los Amigos, and Front Porch Center for Innovation and Wellbeing. Huge thanks to collaborators Dr. David Krum (ICT), Dr. Tyler Ard (ICT), Dr. Emiliano Santarnecchi (Siena/Harvard), Bertha Cabral (OTR/L, Rancho), Remy Chu (OTR/L, Rancho), and Davis Park (FPCIW), as well as to many people from USC OS/OT who helped with the grant development and gave helpful feedback, especially Patty Gutierrez, Dr. Cheryl Vigen, and NPNL lab member Julia Anglin!
The goal of the project is to develop and test a novel portable, closed-loop brain computer interface in immersive virtual reality for individuals with severe stroke. If you or someone you know has had a stroke with severe motor impairments and would be interested in finding out more about this study, please contact us. We look forward to sharing our progress with you!