University of Southern California
University of Southern California
USC Chan Lifestyle Redesign® Knowledge Mobilization Initiative
USC Chan Lifestyle Redesign® Knowledge Mobilization Initiative

Lifestyle Redesign®
Course Series

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Registration for Core Course 1 in Fall 2025 will open in May 2025; to be notified when registration opens, sign up here.

Course registration details for Spring 2025 can be found below.

Foundations of Lifestyle Redesign Course Series

The Foundations of Lifestyle Redesign Course Series is designed to fulfill several requirements for Lifestyle Redesign Certification, specifically, portions of the education and experience requirements. The Course Series is offered in a distance-learning/online format and consists of:

The Course Series takes a minimum of 12 months to complete, though, it is not required to complete the Course Series in this time frame. Participants are welcome to enroll in the courses at the frequency that suits them with the understanding that courses must be taken in sequential order. Visit the drop-downs below for an overview of course schedule, descriptions, and costs. Registration information for upcoming courses can be found below, under Course Registration.

The following are helpful resources that offer a range information about the Course Series:


AOTA Approved Provider of Continuing Education

USC is an AOTA Approved Provider of Continuing Education.

Course Schedule

Course Descriptions

Course Costs

Course Instructors

Course Registration

Register for Upcoming Courses

The following course registration pages will be “open” until the start of the course. Note that registering less than 5 days before the course start date may result in delayed course access; extensions will not be granted due to late registration.

Course Registration Overview

All Course Series registration pages will always include “” at the beginning of the course registration URL. Links to course registration will be made available on this page when registration for each course becomes available. Payment is due at the time of registration. Accepted payment methods include credit cards, bank checks (U.S. only), purchase orders, and wire transfers. 

Once you register for a course, you are considered enrolled in that course. Beginning with Core Course 2, all prerequisites must be met in order to enroll in this course; this will be verified upon registration, prior to being granted course access. Prerequisites will always be listed on course registration pages, as well as within the Course Descriptions drop-down.

More details can be found in is course can be found on the Course Registration and Enrollment section of the Course Series Handbook.