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I Am Thankful ⟩
November 13, 2013, by Jen

Community Life Hacks

With Thanksgiving only one week away, I cannot help but think about all I have to be thankful for. I am thankful for the intelligent and caring faculty that is supporting me throughout my education at USC. I am thankful for my student ambassador co-workers who make my job even more enjoyable. I am thankful for my classmates who have become some of my closest friends. I am thankful for the skilled occupational therapists that have taken so much time to mentor me and enrich my learning experiences. I am thankful for my friends and family who give me space to study (or much needed study breaks) and provide me with unconditional love and support. Most of all, I am thankful that I have found a professional that will remind me every day how much I have to be thankful for.

Happy Turkey Day graphic


Thanksgiving Break: 14 Days to Go! ⟩
November 12, 2013, by Kate

School/Life Balance

I am SUPER excited for our 3-day break over the Thanksgiving holiday. It will be so nice to spend time with my family in Colorado, ski on some fresh powder, and enjoy some pumpkin pie (and mashed potatoes, turkey, green bean casserole, etc., etc., etc.). It will also be nice to have a break from school. It’s been an intense semester and I honestly cannot WAIT to wake up to no alarm clock!!

My family and I plan different activities for Thanksgiving each year. Last year, my parents drove down to Los Angeles from Seattle, Washington with our family dog, and we cooked a big dinner for 5 of my closest friends. It was so neat to have everyone in my home away from home and to act like an actual grown up with a big feast! This year, my parents are driving from Seattle to Colorado. I will fly out after my last class the Tuesday before and meet them there. We are going up to Keystone Resort, a nice little ski town about 90-minutes away from Denver. We will ski and drink hot cocoa and be merry. Of course, there might be SOME homework that I will have to conquer, but I’m most looking forward to spending time with the people I love.

Here’s a picture of Keystone at night! It is so beautiful; they even have night skiing for those people who can’t get enough during the daylight hours!

Keystone at night

Keystone, CO


Happy Veteran’s Day! ⟩
November 12, 2013, by Ryan

Getting Involved What are OS/OT?

I was able to help out as a Student Ambassador at the Veteran’s Appreciation Reception dinner last night. I helped set up and took photographs to document this great event. I wanted to attend this event because my grandfather and father served in the army, my grandmother was a women’s marine, and my uncle was in the navy. I have a connection to people who have served and think it is a great idea to show our appreciation. Also, being in the master’s program I have learned about the many ways we can support this population through occupational therapy. And what an awesome way to spend Veteran’s Day!

The reception dinner was held at the Town and Gown building on the University Park Campus, a beautiful dining hall with amazing chandeliers in an old brick building. As I walked around taking pictures I would talk to individuals who have served or are connected to the population in some way. There was a woman I met who is in the social work program and wants to work with veterans when she graduates. Her brothers, father, and uncles have all served in the army so this population is close to her heart and you can tell by talking with her. She expressed such passion for veterans and talked about going to meetings for veterans to start building connections before graduating. She actually gave me her contact information once she found out I was in the OT program so if the opportunity presented itself, we could collaborate in some way to help out this population.

I also met a man that had a service dog. He explained that once he returned from service, he had so much anger and would seek out violence. He would go out to bars wanting to pick fights and started carrying a gun illegally. He was going to therapy and making progress, but couldn’t shake the desire to be violent. He became connected to Pets for Vets and expressed that he need help or was going to buy another gun. They provided him with a stray dog and it changed his life. The process of caring for an animal, having someone that counted on him, someone to come home to, he lost the desire for violence. Isn’t that amazing!

This event was great and opened my eyes to the many young veterans coming home and needing support. I am so glad that OT is so broad and able to help this population. For those out there interested in OT and veterans, know that there is so much we can do. OTs look at the whole person and that is exactly what vets need, from psychosocial to biomechanical. Yay, OT!


Transition from Undergrad to Grad School ⟩
November 8, 2013, by Jen

Classes Getting Involved

I had a wonderful opportunity to work at the USC Division of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy table at the California Forum for Diversity in Graduate Education. I enjoyed speaking with all the students who were in the process of exploring what they might want to do after they graduate. This experience caused me to reflect on my own transition from being an undergraduate student to being a graduate student. My undergraduate school prepared me to have a general understanding of multiple subjects from science to philosophy in addition to taking the numerous kinesiology and psychology classes that were required for my major and minor. Now that I am in graduate school, my courses are much more focused on a single topic — occupational therapy. Within the topic of occupational therapy are many sub topics such as: geriatrics, sensory integration, hands, assistive technology, ergonomics, physical rehabilitation, and much, much more!

Table at the California Forum for Diversity in Graduate Education

Table at the California Forum for Diversity in Graduate Education


Los Angeles: Tales from a (wannabe) Foodie! ⟩
November 4, 2013, by Kate

Living in LA

I love to eat. It is definitely in my top three favorite occupations, alongside sleeping and shoe-shopping. One of the best things about living in Los Angeles is that you have some of the best restaurants and food available to you in one city. Some of the best Mexican food is located right near the University Park Campus. I also love to find new taco trucks; last spring, two of my classmates decided to compare their two favorite taco trucks by creating a social event out of it and asking fellow OT students to vote and declare a winner. Some areas in the city have a specialty cuisine, for example, Glendale is home to many Armenian-Americans and Lebanese-Americans, and you can find DELICIOUS places for Middle Eastern food. Korea-Town specializes in, you guessed it, Korean food, and there are a ton of great Korean barbecue places that are yummy and have a great atmosphere. With all the great options, I have to say that this weekend, I discovered one place with a life-changing pretzel. Yes, a pretzel.

I have never been a fan of large pretzels because I find the salty bread a bit odd to my palate. But, my opinion changed on Friday night when my friends and I went to a new restaurant/bar to watch the USC football game. A friend of mine ordered the “Giant Pretzel,” which I was not too excited about. I took one bite to appease my friend, and I’ve got to say, it changed my mind forever about pretzels. The pretzel was salty and the honey sauce was sweet. Just perfection! I’ve uploaded a picture of the pretzel so you all can ogle over my culinary discovery as well. I think the lesson I learned this weekend was to never judge a food before tasting it, or at least, that not all giant pretzels are created equal. Just another reason why I LOVE LA.

Pretzel Love!

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