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University of Southern California
University of Southern California
USC Chan Division of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy
USC Chan Division of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy
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Transforming Research: Understanding Experiences in ASD, Stakeholders Working Together (TRUST) ⟩

The TRUST Project was informed by our prior and current ethnographic and phenomenological studies and sensory processing research programs. The primary objective of this project was to develop a sustainable capacity building alliance of stakeholders with expertise in sensory processing related to ASD to inform and impact research endeavors. The TRUST Project was grounded in the participation of four stakeholder groups including family members and caregivers, autistic self-advocates, clinicians and providers, and researchers, as well as three community partner groups, The Sensory Processing and Autism Network (SPAN), 5-Eleven Hoops, and Autism Speaks.

Sensory Processing and Autism Network (SPAN) ⟩

Sensory Processing and Autism Network (SPAN) is a community-based research network (CBRN) committed to improving outcomes for individuals with sensory processing challenges and their families in everyday life.

USC Peace Garden ⟩

USC Peace Garden transformed a little-used lot near UPC into a garden wellness space that is being used for education, research and programs serving the community. Its purpose is to promote and demonstrate environmental sustainability, social and environmental justice, health promotion and wellness and community safety.