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USC Chan Division of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy
USC Chan Division of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy
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Meet Our Trojan Family
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
in Occupational Science

Find out about some of the students and alumni from each of our academic programs. The Trojan Family of students at USC Chan have a wide range of backgrounds, experiences and interests. Click their names and photos to find out more.

Current students are invited to submit their information for a featured profile.

Yujia Mo 莫宇佳 PhD ’26

Yujia Mo 莫宇佳 PhD ’26 ⟩

Hometown: Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, China

Program: PhD in Occupational Science, Class of 2026

Aditya Jayashankar PhD ’24

Aditya Jayashankar PhD ’24 ⟩

Hometown: Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Program: PhD in Occupational Science, Class of 2024

Buwen Yao 姚卜文 PhD ’22

Buwen Yao 姚卜文 PhD ’22 ⟩

Hometown: Jilin, China

Program: PhD in Occupational Science, Class of 2022

Raymond Hernandez PhD ’21

Raymond Hernandez PhD ’21 ⟩

Hometown: Glendale, California

Program: PhD in Occupational Science, Class of 2021

Kristine Carandang PhD ’18

Kristine Carandang PhD ’18 ⟩

Hometown: Stafford, VA

Program: PhD in Occupational Science, Class of 2018

Sook-Lei Liew PhD ’12

Sook-Lei Liew PhD ’12 ⟩

Hometown: Plano, TX

Program: PhD in Occupational Science, Class of 2012

Heidi McHugh Pendleton PhD ’98

Heidi McHugh Pendleton PhD ’98 ⟩

Hometown: Palo Alto, CA

Program: PhD in Occupational Science, Class of 1998

Louise Farnworth PhD ’98

Louise Farnworth PhD ’98 ⟩

Hometown: Melbourne, Australia

Program: PhD in Occupational Science, Class of 1998

Doris Pierce PhD ’96

Doris Pierce PhD ’96 ⟩

Hometown: Richmond, KY

Program: PhD in Occupational Science, Class of 1996

JoAnne Wright PhD ’95

JoAnne Wright PhD ’95 ⟩

Hometown: Salt Lake City, UT

Program: PhD in Occupational Science, Class of 1995