Ashley Bonzell OTD, OTR/L (she/her/hers)

Assistant Professor of Clinical Occupational Therapy
Momentum Pediatric Therapy Network
(310) 405-9117
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Ashley received her Master of Arts and Doctoral degrees in occupational therapy from USC Chan, in 2019 and 2020, respectively. She has been working in pediatrics for the past four years, in outpatient clinic, early intervention, and social skills programs. During her clinical residency, Ashley focused on a variety of projects in addition to clinical work. These included becoming certified in Sensory Integration, completing the pedagogy track under Dr. Stefanie Bodison for the USC Chan OT 564 Sensory Processing and Sensory Integration course, co-authoring a series of four children’s books based in Sensory Integration theory, surveying occupational, speech, and physical therapists from seven pediatric clinics and analyzing the results to establish best practices for providing telehealth services, and co-developing and implementing a virtual parent support group during the COVID-19 lockdown.
More recently, Ashley presented at the OTAC 2023 Annual Conference on the Impact of Parent Mental Health on Child Emotional Regulation and has been implementing a pilot program to address caregiver mental health and co-regulation, in the early intervention and clinic programs at Momentum PTN. She is also preparing to co-present at AOTA 2024 Annual Conference on Family-Centered Care in Center-based Early Intervention. Other current projects at Momentum PTN include developing a protocol for establishing sensory profiles in early intervention clients and supporting the USC Chan OT 610 Sensory Integrative Dysfunction course.