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University of Southern California
University of Southern California
USC Chan Division of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy
USC Chan Division of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy
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USC Chan SI CE Certificate Program
Course Descriptions, Schedule, and Registration

The USC Sensory Integration Continuing Education (CE) Certificate Program provides an opportunity for practicing occupational therapists to acquire advanced knowledge in the theory, assessment, and intervention principles of sensory integration as originated by Dr. A. Jean Ayres. To obtain this CE Certificate, participants must complete 100 contact hours (10 CEUs) within the following CE courses.

USC will offer two full sessions of the course series each year, with CE Course 1 beginning in January and June. All courses must be taken in sequential order, beginning with CE Course 1.

Please see below for the schedule of courses offered online, and click on the course titles for more information, including how to register. Read our Privacy Policy as it relates to the information you provide in any course application. We also maintain a schedule of courses offered in-person internationally.

Foundational CE Courses

CE Course 1 (30 hours)
Theoretical Foundations of Sensory Integration: From Theory to Identification
— Registration is now open for January 22 – February 19, 2025 (extended for Fourth of July holiday)
— Registration for July 2025* opens in early February 2025

CE Course 2 (21 hours)
Sensory Integration Evaluation and Clinical Reasoning
— Registration is now open for August 21 – September 18, 2024
— Registration for 2025* opens in October 2024

CE Course 3 (21 hours)
Sensory Integration Treatment: From Intervention to Participation
— Registration is now open for October 2 – 30, 2024
— Registration for April 2025* opens in November 2024

CE Course 4 (28 hours)
Special Topics in Sensory Integration Intervention
— Registration is now open for November 13 – December 11, 2024
— Registration for May 2025* opens in January 2025

* Dates subject to change.

Other Courses

Sensory-Based Feeding and Eating Challenges
— Next course offering in late 2024