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University of Southern California
University of Southern California
USC Chan Division of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy
USC Chan Division of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy
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Melissa Schram MA ’14

Melissa Schram MA ’14

Hometown: San Antonio, TX
Program: Bachelor’s to Master’s, Class of 2014

What brought you to occupational therapy?
I fell in love with occupational therapy after learning about it at USC and then observing a few OTs during the summer before my sophomore year of college. I was lucky to find out about the progressive degree and I was able to get all the prerequisites done during college and begin the master’s program as a senior! I’m so happy that everything worked out!

What are some of the occupations you engage in?
I love to watch Gilmore Girls and spend time with friends and family. I enjoy doing yoga but wish I had more time to do it!

If we opened your fridge, what would we see?
In my fridge right now there are some carrots and ranch dressing, grapes, leftover pizza from my dinner last night, milk, and chocolate chip cookie dough. The essentials!

If you could have one superpower, what would it be and why?
I would like to be able to make myself invisible because I love to people-watch.