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University of Southern California
University of Southern California
USC Chan Division of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy
USC Chan Division of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy
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Shraddha Kalgutkar MA ’19

Shraddha Kalgutkar MA ’19

Hometown: Mumbai, India
Program: Post-Professional Master’s, Class of 2019

What brought you to Occupational therapy?
I was very fond of Creative Arts right from childhood and had decided that I will pursue it as my career but then life happened. I was diagnosed with Cirrhosis of Liver (unknown cause) which brought me closer to the medical field. After surviving this period and realizing the potential of my beautiful life, I decided to give back to community and there is no way better than to improve the quality of life of the people. Clubbing my childhood passion and my experiences, I decided to pursue this path in Occupational Therapy.

What area of practice you are interested in?
Adulthood and ageing, Lifestyle Redesign, Driving Rehabilitation and Ergonomics.

What are some of the Occupation you are engage in?
Travelling, Long drives, Reading Fiction, Dancing (when no one is looking) Eating great food, Music and watching Netflix.

Tell us about your favorite memory in the program so far?
Though Its difficult to pinpoint one particular incident that is my favorite, I would say this entire journey has been worth all the hard work and dreams. This time spent in the program with all the awesome batchmates, were my best months so far as it helped me to grow and realize what I am capable of and face all the challenges on my path.

If your childhood had a smell what would it be?
Smell of chocolate, milk and desserts (Indian sweets).

What song can you listen entirely by heart?
It completely depends on my mood, but I just LOVE songs from Bollywood.

What are some small things that make your day better?
I love my alone time, which gives me a chance to introspect and reflect on my choices, joys, things I am grateful for and how I can make myself a better person.