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University of Southern California
University of Southern California
USC Chan Division of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy
USC Chan Division of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy
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Joi Willis MA ’19

Joi Willis MA ’19

Hometown: Los Angeles, CA
Program: Entry-Level Master’s, Class of 2019

What brought you to occupational therapy?
I first learned about the profession, in my undergraduate program. I received my BS in Child Development and many of my classmates and professors would mention OT during class discussions in regards to children who received Individual Education Plans (IEPs). I would nod my head in class as if I knew what they were talking about. So one day I decided to Google “Occupational Therapy” and I watched videos and literally fell in love.

What area of practice are you interested in?
I am definitely interested in working in Pediatrics, specifically sensory integration.

What are some of the occupations you engage in?
I love to dance, work out, and paint nails!

If we opened your fridge, what would we see?
In my refrigerator, you would find lots of fruits and veggies! I try my best to eat healthy . . . but somewhere hidden in the back you’d find my guilty pleasure which is ice cream/popsicles.

If you could choose anyone (living or dead) to be your mentor, who would you pick?
I would definitely choose Maya Angelou. I’d love just sit and listen to her speak. She is so profound and knowledgeable and I think I could learn so much from her.