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University of Southern California
University of Southern California
USC Chan Division of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy
USC Chan Division of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy
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Sarah Morris MA ’21

Sarah Morris MA ’21

Hometown: Menifee, CA
Program: Entry-Level Master’s, Class of 2021

What brought you to occupational therapy?
My mother is a nurse and injured her wrist at work. As a result, she needed to see an OT with CHT specialty. I went to all of her appointments and worked one-on-one with her to do at home exercises. I witnessed firsthand the restorative properties of OT interventions and the focus on making sure patients can do what they want to do and are expected to do within real life contexts. I’ve always desired a career that would allow me to help others live their fullest lives and that’s exactly what OTs do!

Describe your background before coming to occupational therapy.
Before coming to occupational therapy I was studying Public Policy to one day influence healthcare legislation.

Tell us about your favorite memory from the program so far.
One of my favorite memories from the program thus far has been living in OT house and having group outings and study sessions! Having this little community has made LA feel more like home!

What are some small things that make your day better?
Music always makes my day better and improves my mood. I’ve also found that self care like regularly working out in the mornings allows me to start my day right and be fully energized for all the activities I want to do.

If you could visit any time in history, where would you go and why?
If I could visit anytime in history it would be the ’80s. I’m a big fan of the way John Hughes portrays life so truthfully and sentimentally.