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University of Southern California
University of Southern California
USC Chan Division of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy
USC Chan Division of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy
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Caroline Kim OS Minor ’18

Caroline Kim OS Minor ’18

Hometown: Los Angeles, CA
Program: Minor in Occupational Science, Class of 2018

Major: Sociology

What brought you to USC?
My dream job in high school was to be a doctor at CHLA, which is affiliated with USC, so I made it my goal to go to USC for undergrad and grad school to eventually work at CHLA. After some changes in career path, now I know that God brought me to USC to discover OT!

What made you decide to pursue the occupational science minor?
After deciding to drop pre-med, my friend told me I should check out occupational therapy. So, I went to an occupational therapy info session. During the meeting, I knew 100% that I wanted to pursue occupational therapy. It was the perfect balance of all my interests for my future career. The next day, I went to the OT advisor and began planning out my prerequisites for OT school. I saw that most of the prerequisites fulfilled the OS minor, so I added the OS minor.

How do you feel your OS minor has/will help you with your future schooling and/or career?
Having an OS Minor is an amazing opportunity and a great blessing because I get to take courses that give me a glimpse into what I’ll be studying in OT School. Having an OS minor has helped me discover areas of OT that I’m extremely interested in and it gets me excited thinking that this is just a small taste of what OT school will be like. I also get to have amazing OTs as professors that not only share their journey and experiences with me but have also become my role models.

If we opened your fridge, what would we see?
Trader Joe’s salads for everyday of the week, all types of fruit, Panda Express left overs and tons of hot sauce.

How do you want to be remembered?
I want to be remembered as someone who feared and loved the Lord with all my heart and lived every day to glorify His name.

Check out my video and see what a typical day looks like for me!