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University of Southern California
University of Southern California
USC Chan Division of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy
USC Chan Division of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy
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Lindsay Luiz OS Minor ’18

Lindsay Luiz OS Minor ’18

Hometown: San Luis Obispo, CA
Program: Minor in Occupational Science, Class of 2018

What is your Major?
Health and Human Sciences.

What brought you to USC?
I took a tour prior to my senior year of high school and I was immediately hooked.

What made you decide to pursue the occupational science minor?
I had never heard of the field of OT before, but I had heard about it through other students here as well as my advisor, so I decided to take the intro course. From there, I decided to pursue the minor!

Describe your favorite occupational science minor course.
My favorite course so far has been OT 325: The Brain: Mind, Body, and Self. It was an awesome class that had a good mix of neuroscience concepts as well as holistic health and wellbeing.

Tell us about your favorite memory at USC so far.
I LOVE going to the USC football games, and my favorite memory was the game this season against Texas! It went double overtime and was an overall amazing (but stressful) game to share with my friends!

How do you plan to use what you have learned in the minor in the future?
I want to attend a masters program in OT and make it my career in the future. I love all that the OS minor has taught me that I would never learn at another school.

What song can you sing entirely by heart?
Love Like Crazy by Lee Brice.

What are some small things that make your day better?
Going outside, walking around campus and enjoying our beautiful scenery at USC!