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University of Southern California
University of Southern California
USC Chan Division of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy
USC Chan Division of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy
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Jiehong Shi 施杰洪 OTD ’24

Jiehong Shi 施杰洪 OTD ’24

Hometown: Yunnan Province, China
Program: Post-Professional OTD, Class of 2024


Residency Focus: Healthy Aging and Lifestyle Redesign

Where did you receive your bachelor’s degree and in what major?
Tianjin Medical University, Rehabilitation Therapy

What do you like about occupational therapy?
I love OT as a full-of-mindfulness health profession concerned with promoting health and well-being to empower and optimize people’s engagement in meaningful occupations. OT has provided me with a new occupational lens through which to view the world, society, human-beings, enhancing my professional insight and promoting my personal growth.

What is the focus of your residency?
In my research residency site (HART Lab), I’m assisting in a research project that works toward making a dynamic seating system for older adults that targets sedentary activity and has the potential to help individuals live more active and healthier lives. In my clinical residency site (OTFP), I’m learning the clinical practice of Lifestyle Redesign® in chronic disease management and assisting in the evidence-synthesis of lifestyle management interventions for chronic pain. These residency experiences provide empowerment for my future research and clinical practice. 

How do you plan to advance OT in China?
My interest area is healthy aging and lifestyle redesign. Under the growing trend of aging and chronic disease, especially lifestyle-related diseases in China, occupational therapy and lifestyle redesign could potentially play an important role to address the health promotion of older adults. I plan to promote fall prevention, chronic disease management, lifestyle redesign for the elderly, as well as standard evaluation and intervention of occupational therapy. I will contribute to promoting occupational justice and empowerment in older adults to enhance their health and wellbeing. To do so, I will first develop the research to assess the effectiveness of lifestyle redesign in the elderly population in China. Then, I will develop evidence-based practice and contribute to patient education.

What are your favorite occupation(s)?
I enjoy reading, yoga, journaling, watching movies, and mindfulness meditation. These occupations nourish my body and mind, giving me energy and happiness.