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University of Southern California
University of Southern California
USC Chan Division of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy
USC Chan Division of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy
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OT Kickoff!


March 28, 2017


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Hello Spring!!

I apologize for my blogging absence these past few weeks — time flies fast when you are having fun and enjoying your electives!!

I am absolutely thrilled for the Month of April! In fact, so is our whole USC CHAN Division! During the month of April, we celebrate Occupational Therapy!! This past Monday, we celebrated our kickoff to OT Month with an event held at our Health Science Campus. This was a FUN, carnival-style event, with outdoor games, free PIZZA, OT buttons, and a quite informative skit from JRoe and I! I had a blast spending time with my classmates, faculty, and our student ambassador team!

We live for OT Month!

We live for OT Month!

Pizza and OT Buttons! What more can we ask for!

Pizza and OT Buttons! What more could we ask for??

OT Carnival: Our cool Event Geofilter!!

OT Carnival: Our cool Event Geofilter!!