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USC Chan Division of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy
USC Chan Division of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy
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Summer is in Full Swing!


June 17, 2016

Admissions Community

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Today, the sun is shining and the hallways are buzzing with new OT students!

This past Monday was orientation for all of the new Entry-Level Master’s Students, and I could not be more excited for them to be here! It has been such a pleasure getting to meet some of these students and to learn a bit about how they found their way to USC’s OT program. Each student has such an interesting (and often vastly different) history that has led them to this point, and I think it is so fun to hear how their undergraduate major/ volunteer experience/ personal encounters with OTs have changed their lives and brought them here!

In auditorium at orientation

Sadly the only picture that I have from orientation, but so fun to be in an auditorium full of such amazing students and faculty!

It has also been so amazing to meet prospective students at our summer Info Sessions. These prospective OT students always impress me with their knowledge and passion for the profession — and some have luckily discovered their love for OT at quite a young age! I would have to say one of my favorite parts about being an ambassador is talking with prospective high school students. They often have the most interesting stories about how they found OT and have developed such an early passion for the profession. Plus, it is always fun to go on and on about how much I love the Bachelor to Master’s Program! 😊

Happy Friday, Everyone! Try and stay cool this weekend. And to all the new students . . . Welcome to the Trojan Family!! We are so excited for you to start this journey.