What’s Your Profile?
September 13, 2012
by Ricky
Does it feel really uncomfortable when someone gives you a moderately wet kiss on the cheek? Are you really sensitive to light touch, like if an ant crawls up your leg? Do you get dizzy at Costco? Do you ever question how people could ever study with the TV on? If you’re like me, and answered yes to any (or all) of these, it might be really insightful to complete a Sensory Profile* with your Occupational Therapist. This assessment will help you become more familiar with your sensory preferences, meaning, how your body responds to the various stimuli in the environment. The pediatric version of this tool (Infant/Toddler Sensory Profile) is commonly used by occupational therapists working with children with Autism or other developmental disorders. Many of us have independently figured out strategies to work around/through uncomfortable stimuli, but for some, this might be quite a challenge. Pinpointing these stimuli and our responses to them can lead to optimal strategies. Chances are you may even reveal some uncomfortable stimuli that you never really considered before.
*by Winnie Dunn PhD, OTR, FAOTA | pearsonassessments.com
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