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A USC Chantastic Friendsgiving Celebration
November 22, 2021

Diversity, Access, Equity Events Global Initiatives International Students

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by Dr. Danny Park

On Thursday, November 18, the USC Chan student community came together to celebrate Friendsgiving in one of the largest in-person community gatherings hosted by the Division since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. Over 90 students from all Chan academic programs (Bachelor’s, Master’s, OTD, PhD) enjoyed a dinner of turkey, prime rib, mac and cheese, holiday cookies, and more! Many students participated in an origami craft activity, posed in front of a photobooth, and were able to relax and unwind amidst the stress of this semester.

The Friendsgiving Celebration Dinner was co-hosted by USC Chan’s Coalition of Occupational Therapy Advocates for Diversity (COTAD) chapter, the Occupational Therapy and Science Council (OTSC), and Global Initiatives. Of special note, COTAD created an informative visual display which dispelled commonly-held myths associated with American Thanksgiving and honored the Wampanoag Tribe who lived along the east coast of what is now called Cape Cod since the 1600’s.  Alvina Anderson of COTAD shared: “The mission of COTAD is based on the principles of justice, equality, diversity and inclusion, so we thought it was fitting to bring awareness to the sacrifices made by the Wampanoag Tribe as a result of their interactions with the European settlers.”

Many students expressed that a shared celebration of community was deeply appreciated after a very challenging season of distance and hybrid learning, separation from peers, COVID-19-related losses and worries, and the normal stress of school. Christine (Yeji) Han, a Post-Professional Master’s student from South Korea, spoke on behalf of many of her international student classmates, saying, “It was an eye-opening experience for us to experience Friendsgiving. Traditional Thanksgiving foods like cornbread and turkey with gravy and cranberries were new to most of us, and I saw many students enjoying the event and being excited even before the dinner started.” 

Jiwon Shin, a 1st year Entry-Level Master’s student and current International Relations Chair of OTSC, added, “It was very exciting to see so many of us gather together in person, just like the pre-COVID times. I know we’ve all been waiting for an official indoor social event like Friendsgiving since restrictions took place last year. Actually seeing students dressed up and enjoying good food and company almost felt surreal to me. I loved every part of it and I’m sure others would agree with me!” 

All in all, Friendsgiving was a very special evening for the Chan community as we near the end of 2021!

USC Chan Friendsgiving Celebration Dinner | Fall 2021 | Dr. Julie McLaughlin Gray with first year Professional Master’s students Jiwon Shin, Taylor Shigezawa, Hannah Kim, Abby Khou, Amanda Amenta, Charisa Dorn, and Yeyang Tang.
USC Chan Friendsgiving Celebration Dinner | Fall 2021 | 2nd year Professional Master’s students Brittany Inouye, Michelle Plevack, Silvia Hernandez Cuellar, Carissa Saunders, Vanessa ElShamy, Brittany Eng, Stefanie Kuizon, Candace Ro, and Alison Chang.
USC Chan Friendsgiving Celebration Dinner | Fall 2021 | PhD students Marinthea Richter and Bethany Ruskin, and Post-Professional Master’s students Godfrey Lok, Samantha Tang, Vanessa Chan, Cindy Teow, Amy Yeu (OTD student), Inna Monterroyo, Florence Yang, Tristenne Ocampo, and Vanessa Tabares.
USC Chan Friendsgiving Celebration Dinner | Fall 2021 | 2nd year Professional Master’s students Alvina Anderson, Kat Dumangas, Barri Bladon, Moné Blackburn, Chandni Bhakta, Christine Villalobos, and Hilary Stanek playing cards.
USC Chan Friendsgiving Celebration Dinner | Fall 2021 | Chan international students Jerry Lee, Hailey Chao, Prutha Satpute, Christine Yeji Han, Maggie Chen, Jason Lin, Jean Chen, Sheen Sheu, Rita Lo, Vivien Huang, and Ariel Huang.
USC Chan Friendsgiving Celebration Dinner | Fall 2021 | Post-Professional Master’s and OTD students Nessa Mesa, Josh Digao, Marvyn Ngo, Adam Strizich, Courtney Nguyen, Esther Jahng, Angel Humilde, Joana Akrofi, Cindy Teow, Amy Yeu, and Gillian Maraña.
USC Chan Friendsgiving Celebration Dinner | Fall 2021 | USC Chan Bachelor’s to Doctorate students
Trisha Willie, Tiffany Hsu, Leiyanne Roldan, Jenny Yoon,
Arianna Lopez, and 1st year Professonal Master’s students Jieun Jung, Brittani Chung, and Janice Seol.
USC Chan Friendsgiving Celebration Dinner | Fall 2021 | Chan OTD residents Calvin Lee, Jeff Palomino, and Brendan La Scala, and Post-Professional Master’s students Dustin Beaver, Lara Magboo, Marielle Cesa, and Nicole Parcon.
USC Chan Friendsgiving Celebration Dinner | Fall 2021
USC Chan Friendsgiving Celebration Dinner | Fall 2021
USC Chan Friendsgiving Celebration Dinner | Fall 2021
USC Chan Friendsgiving Celebration Dinner | Fall 2021 | COTAD poster honoring the Wampanoag Tribe.
USC Chan Friendsgiving Celebration Dinner | Fall 2021 | Global Initiatives and OTSC team members Hannah Kim, Brendan La Scala, Amy Yeu, and Abby Khou greeting guests.
USC Chan Friendsgiving Celebration Dinner | Fall 2021 | Chan OTD residents celebrating together!

Top row: Calvin Lee, Daphne Carcedo, Caroline Klein, Brendan La Scala, Riley McGuire, Alana Schoenhals, Morgan Smith.

Bottom row: Courtney Nguyen, Maggie Goodfellow, Adam Strizich, Chris Chu, Jeff Palomino, Maggie Chen.
USC Chan Friendsgiving Celebration Dinner | Fall 2021 | USC Chan Global Initiatives team members 2021-2022

Top Row: Maggie Goodfellow, Dr. Danny Park, Taylor Shigezawa, Carly Martinez.

Second Row: Prutha Satpute, Carissa Saunders, Josh Digao, Yeyang Tang, Christelli Carmona, Christine Yeji Han, Joana Akrofi.

Bottom Row: Brittany Inouye, Maggie Chen, Alison Chang, Brendan La Scala, Hannah Kim, Vanessa ElShamy.
USC Chan Friendsgiving Celebration Dinner | Fall 2021 | COTAD co-chairs Stefanie Kuizon and Alvina Anderson, and 1st year Professional Master’s student Carly Martinez.
USC Chan Friendsgiving Celebration Dinner | Fall 2021 | 1st Year Post-Professional Master’s Students

Top Row: Taylor Shigezawa, Abby Khou, Charisa Dorn, Yeyang Tang, Leah Crews, Jiwon Shin.

Bottom Row: Christelli Carmona, Hannah Kim, Amanda Atenta, Erika Armenta, Carly Martinez.
USC Chan Friendsgiving Celebration Dinner | Fall 2021