How to THRIVE in 2019
January 7, 2019
Are you sick of making resolutions that you never stick to? Associate Professor of Clinical Occupational Therapy, Ashley Uyeshiro Simon, OTD, OTR/L, MSCS, shares with us a few strategies to jumpstart your new year to not only survive, but to THRIVE.
Academics and Courses Health and Wellness
Ashley Uyeshiro Simon, OTD, OTR/L, MSCS
- Self-Reflection
The first step to THRIVE in this New Year is to engage in some self-reflection. Ask yourself, “What are the top three values and beliefs that I hold most dear, that define who I am as a person?” Once you have thought about this question and answered it, then ask, “Am I living these values in my daily life?” It is important to reflect upon which values you believe are the most strongly present in your day to day life, which are wanting, and which are missing altogether. As you notice the activities that are missing in your life, also reflect and identify the activities in your daily life that do not align with your values and ask yourself, “Why are they here?” - Meaningful Social Connections
While we often make individual resolutions like “I’m going to eat healthier this year . . . I’m going to save more money this year . . . I’m going to work out more this year . . . ,” we do not realize that the most vital factor in achieving THRIVE is meaningful social connections. We require community to THRIVE. If you are lucky enough to already have people in your life that you feel connected to, think about how you can foster these connections to make them even stronger. If you don’t — and that’s okay — think about how and where you’d be able to start building connections with others. Remember, making connections requires vulnerability and takes time so just keep at it! - Care for Whole Self
Don’t forget to care for your whole self, including your body, mind, and spirit. Some examples of wholesome self-care include taking a walk, meditation, practicing spiritual connections in whatever form that may be, petting a dog, and drinking hot tea. You can also try writing a letter to yourself from the point of view of your best friend to practice self-love or asking your friends to tell you why they choose to spend time with you. The list is truly endless! - A Mindset
People often feel that reflection, socializing, and self-care take too much time when they have so many other things that they “need” to do. But the truth is that wellbeing is just as much a mindset as it is behavioral. Find the small things you can do to make yourself feel good, and try to shift how you talk to yourself from critical to kind. Everything takes effort, but it’s worth it!
We hope that these tips and strategies can equip you with the proper knowledge and skills to THRIVE in the New Year. If you’re currently an undergraduate student at USC, you have the opportunity to learn ways to specifically THRIVE in college through a spring course called OT 299 — Special Topics in Occupational Therapy, THRIVE. This one-unit, no grade, no homework, course consists of TED Talk-style speakers with specific strategies to target your wellness as a college student.
Don’t hesitate, register now to begin your journey to THRIVE at USC.
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