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University of Southern California
University of Southern California
USC Chan Division of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy
USC Chan Division of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy
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Priscilla Gee MA ’14

Priscilla Gee MA ’14

Hometown: Fountain Valley, CA
Program: Entry-Level Master’s, Class of 2014

What brought you to occupational therapy?
A combination of things brought me to occupational therapy: research in biochemistry & molecular biology, teaching preschool at church, teaching jewelry, and working with international students. I found that I liked aspects of every field I was involved in, but I didn’t want to pursue any of them as a career (ex: I loved doing research in the lab and learning about science, but I couldn’t see myself doing it as a career because it lacked interpersonal interaction). After a couple suggestions from friends and family to look into occupational therapy as a career, I began volunteering in hand rehabilitation and outpatient pediatrics and before I knew it, I was sold!

What area of practice are you interested in?
Early intervention pediatrics.

What are some of the occupations you engage in?
Crocheting, knitting, crafting, trying new foods, reading my Bible, spending time with friends, singing, and spending time in nature.

If we opened your fridge, what would we see?
Eggs, leftovers, string cheese, half and half, and salami.

If you could have one superpower, what would it be and why?
It would be the ability to find really yummy and cheap food!