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USC Chan Division of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy
USC Chan Division of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy
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Jack of all trades


October 19, 2012

Fieldwork What are OS/OT?

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Last week I had my full week of fieldwork. It was nice to take a break from class, but I do like being in class and seeing my fellow students! Oh, boy, I can’t believe we’ve been in the same cohort for a year now. Time quickly flies. I’m sure you can attest to this. So, fieldwork started slower at the beginning of the week, but gradually gained momentum by the end of the week. I feel that I’ve been fortunate to have liked all my fieldwork experiences so far, and I feel that it won’t make it easier for me to decide which area I want to specialize in. Maybe, I’ll specialize in being a jack of all trades. Imagine that on a business card.

By the end of the week, I had my own clients and was writing billable notes! I’m doing fieldwork at a forensic treatment agency, and I work hand-in-hand with the Employment/Education Specialist. I have helped clients with writing a resume, filling out an application, searching for jobs online, and advising them on transferring to a 4-year university. At the end of the day, I felt that I’ve helped my clients to progress toward their employment/education goals.

I also got to meet a lot of people during the full week. There were about a dozen Social Work interns, 4 OT interns, and 2 Homeboy Industries interns (imagine having to fight for the computers or how crowded the meetings would be!). My site really fosters students’ learning and growth. I really felt that everyone works together as a team here. It’s multidisciplinary, yet unifying since we work for the clients and have their best interests in mind. By the end of the week, the office had a pizza and pastry party, and my life was content. Some of the other highlights during the week were successfully coordinating a recreational activity for clients and alumni to go to a taping of The Price is Right as a fundraiser, participating in the Mindfulness group and Moral Reconation Group, and getting ramen during lunch in Little Toyko. I enjoyed the experiences.

I’m thankful for the opportunities given to me, all the people I’ve come across, all the support from my professors, family, and friends. Without them, there would be no me.  Until next time, have a great weekend!

1. Isabel | October 24, 2012

Hi Alisa,
I read your blog and I’m really appreciate the content of your posts. I have a friend who is interested in applying to the OT program at USC. Do you have any advice for the prospective student? Where they should volunteer, any extra curricular activities?
Thank you.

2. .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) | October 25, 2012

Hi Isabel,

Thank you for your question! The Admissions Committee considers many aspects of an applicant. It is important to be well-rounded. Having good grades is crucial, but it’s not everything. You can have your friend email me at .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address), and I’d be more than happy to further assist.