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USC Chan Division of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy
USC Chan Division of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy
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New Year, Big News!


January 10, 2017

Community Living in LA

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Happy New Year! I couldn’t be more proud to be a Trojan!

With a big football victory and a kickoff to celebrating the OT centennial with a float in the Rose Parade, things are certainly exciting here at USC OSOT! Not to mention, this week also marks the beginning of spring semester. Now when it comes to football, the Trojans made quite the appearance at the Rose Bowl. It had been a long 8 years since USC had played in the Rose Bowl game and were certainly able to FIGHT ON and win 52-49 against Penn State. What a way for USC to start off a new year!

2017 marks a century of Occupational Therapy, which means our national organization and health profession will turn 100 years old! As we move forward into this New Year, the students here at USC OSOT continue to promote our profession, especially the wonderful people we have met and helped. Check out our AMAZING float and learn more about OT! ☺