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USC Chan Division of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy
USC Chan Division of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy
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Adding Variety


January 28, 2013

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With the start of a new semester and new year, I have made a goal to incorporate a greater variety of occupations into my daily life. I am not calling this a resolution, since I feel that the general attitude towards resolutions is that they are expected to be broken. I am thinking of this more as an occupational therapist implementing lifestyle redesign on herself. Last semester in my Health Promotion and Wellness Course I completed an activity called the Balance Wheel, in which you color-code your day according to the types of occupations in which you participate. I was expecting a very one-dimensional result, but to see a graphic representation was alarming: the one color representing schoolwork taking up all but a few minutes of my typical day. I realized that this lack of variety in my occupations was probably the cause of my occasionally overwhelming levels of stress. Ever since completing that activity, I have made an effort to be more aware of the way I spend my time.

With the new schedule of this semester, I am determined to get into a routine that is more diverse health-promoting. I have added exercise into my schedule nearly every day of the week. To keep my interest high, I am doing various activities like running, walking, yoga, and dance. I have even dusted off my Wii balance board to play fitness games at home. I am also making an effort to be more active socially within my demanding study schedule. For example, yesterday I went to Sunday brunch at a friend’s home. I set a time limit for how long I would stay, so I would have time to complete my studies for the upcoming week. It was nice to visit with friends and have a break in the middle of the day. I am hopeful that I will be able to maintain this new routine, increase the variety in my typical day, and decrease my stress!

Table of food at Sunday brunch