Some Things Never Change
May 30, 2020
by Bethany
I began my journey at USC four years ago as a wide-eyed freshman in the Bachelor’s-to-Master’s Occupational Therapy program. I had no idea back then what a difference the next few years would make. The first life-changing decision I made took place even before Welcome Week started: I started Band Camp with the Trojan Marching Band. I fell in love with the passion students carry for their school. As classes began, I found that I had my own passion in OT, one that not as many people understood. So I quickly learned to share my story of finding what is, in my opinion, the perfect way to channel creativity to help others.
I learned to support the spirit of the university and to advocate for occupational therapy, and I decided that I wanted to do both of these more vocally. My sophomore year, I became a Student Ambassador and Tour Guide in the Admission Center, doing my best to encapsulate my entire USC experience in 90 minute tours. I also spent a summer as a Student Ambassador for the Chan Division.
Then came a unique transition. As a Bachelor’s-to-Master’s student, I spent my senior year in the first year of the Master’s program. Through the challenge of finding balance between finding closure and starting anew, I realized that my desire to help others better understand what OT and USC would look like for them had not changed. So here I am. Back again as a Student Ambassador for the Chan Division of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy. And I couldn’t be more excited to share my experience with all of you!
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