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USC Chan Division of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy
USC Chan Division of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy
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Friends and Tiffany & Co.


October 23, 2013

Community Getting Involved

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This weekend, I got to share my passion for running with some of my friends in the occupational therapy program. After class last Friday, we packed into a car and drove up to San Francisco for my fourth Nike Women’s Half Marathon.

Sharing the seven-hour drive to and from San Francisco made me realize how much I will miss being around my classmates when the school year is over. The last year and a half has gone by so fast and I can’t believe I only have a little over one semester left to spend with some of the warmest, most supportive, driven, and fun people I know. My classmates inspire me to be a better person all the time, both professionally and personally.

As you can see, one of the reasons I love the program here at USC is because of the people in it — students, staff and faculty. I’ve always had competitive school experiences, and it amazes me how much OTs support one another’s successes. I remember our late night study sessions in the library our first summer here and we still debrief one another about our fieldwork experiences. Through this program, I know I’ve made some lifelong connections and friendships.

Friendship isn’t the only thing that’s forever — so is Tiffany & Co. One of the best things about the Nike Women’s Half Marathon in San Francisco is that our “medal” for completing the race is a Tiffany’s necklace presented to us on a silver platter by a fireman. Another awesome shared experience to add to the list? I think so. Pictured below are two other USC OTs, Megan and Colette, with me and our fireman!

Nike Women's Half Marathon

Nike Women’s Half Marathon