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Ode to Ambassadors (and Kim) Part II


May 14, 2014


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I have loved being a student ambassador this year and am so grateful I had this amazing opportunity. When I was a prospective student, I attended an admissions info session and met a previous student ambassador. I decided right then and there that I wanted to be just like him, mentoring prospective students and marketing a profession I truly believe in.

Lo and behold, my dream came true! I still remember when my supervisor Kim Kelton called me and offered me the student ambassador position. I was ELATED.

Working with the ambassadors and Kim this year has been such a valuable experience. I learned so much from my tasks on the job — I have better public speaking abilities, more self-confidence, and an increased passion for advocating for OT. I also learned a lot from my incredible team.

My fellow student ambassador Rob previously wrote an Ode to Ambassadors blog post and this post is the highly anticipated sequel!

I’ll start with Rob, who has taught me to let go. From him, I’ve learned that issues giving me nervous breakdowns — I’m a worrywart if you can’t tell — don’t matter as much as I think they do in the moment. He’s also taught me to add a bit of fun to everything. Here’s a picture of him sleeping under our supervisor’s desk, which him, our fellow student ambassador Kate, and I decorated with pictures of the ambassador team. I love our shenanigans!

Rob sleeping under the desk

Next is Kate, who is wonderfully sassy and confident. Whenever I feel doubtful about my ability to manage a situation, I pretend I’m Kate. She’s also taught me to be more vocal about my opinions. Kate is so versatile — she can be professional Kate to roll-around-in-grass-with-kids-in-Ghana Kate. Here’s a picture of us together on our Ghana trip.

Clarissa with Kate in Ghana

Ryan is simply a ray of sunshine. No matter how difficult her life situations are or how badly her stomach hurts during ambassador meetings, she radiates positivity. From her, I’ve learned to hone in on silver linings. She also has some incredible dance moves.

Ryan dancing

I’ve worked with Jen closely in the Occupational Therapy and Science Council (OTSC) as well as as an ambassador! Jen is the co-chair of OTSC and I’m the social chair, so I know she’s great at running meetings and effectively delegating tasks. I tend to put a lot of weight on my own shoulders because I’m a perfectionist. I’ve learned from Jen and, by the end of the year, ran meetings and delegated tasks for the End of the Year Party (see this blog post) committee! Here’s me and Jen — with some photobombers — at a tailgate at the very beginning of the year.

Clarissa with Jen at tailgate

Last but not least, we have our esteemed leader Kim Kelton. She’s so great with balancing building rapport with us and being our supervisor. She’s so young, yet so accomplished! I’m always in awe at her efficiency, dedication, and eloquence. Thanks for being our role model, Kim, and for making our professional development your priority. As you can see in this picture, we love you!

Group photo of ambassadors with Kim