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USC Chan Division of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy
USC Chan Division of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy
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Such Great Heights


May 14, 2014

Community Living in LA

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The end of the year celebration, themed Such Great Heights, was this past Saturday! As you know, I’m the social chair of the Occupational Therapy and Science Council (OTSC) and, this year, I was responsible for spearheading our huge year-end party. It was a long process and big team effort — I started all the way back in December and the historians of OTSC even made a promotional video for it! We had a ton of fun filming the promotional video, which I starred in! My favorite part is where my friend Jon uses the reacher to put on his jacket — love nerdy OT jokes.

I heard that everyone had such a great time! It was at the Bonaventure Brewing Company in the Westin Hotel, which is in downtown LA. It was on a rooftop, hence the Such Great Heights theme, so there was an outdoor patio area for people to chat and a DJ indoors. It was such a beautiful venue! Here’s a picture with me and some OT friends in the outdoor patio area. 

Group photo on the rooftop at Bonaventure Brewing Company

There were about 200 attendees, which included students, faculty, and staff members. It was so great celebrating our achievements with the wonderful people that my fellow OTs are. Hanging out with the staff/faculty and their significant others was also really cool. Food, open bar, good company, a slideshow, and a photobooth — what more could we ask for in a party?!

Here are my fellow student ambassadors with our incredible supervisor Kim! The photobooth picture is on the bottom, juxtaposed with a picture we took at the beginning of the year. This was a crazy fun group to work with all throughout the year!

Group photo with student ambassadors

Group photo with student ambassadors and Kim

By the way, Rob is floating head because he wore a green shirt (on purpose) and there was a green screen — he did it by accident at the photobooth last year and decided to continue the tradition this year.

The party was infinitely fun because I was surrounded by people I look up to and love. These 2 years flew by and I’m so lucky to have had both educationally rich and fun experiences. I was definitely getting choked up during the OTSC 2014 Slideshow.

Earning my Master’s here at USC was an unforgettable experience and one that I will treasure always.