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USC Chan Division of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy
USC Chan Division of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy
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Whirlwind Week


October 4, 2013

Fieldwork School/Life Balance

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Oh, what a tornado of a week! We started off with a midterm on Monday for Health Promotion and Wellness, I made and brought in a fine motor toolkit and took a midterm yesterday for Pediatrics, and the write-up for the fine motor toolkit is due midnight tonight! Of course, I miscalculated my exams and assignment due dates and bought tickets to Mickey’s Halloween Party at Disneyland the weekend prior to this craziness. It’s my planner’s fault really.

On a positive note, making my fine motor toolkit was such a fun project! I had a great time creating activities with toys and objects to help kids at my fieldwork site develop fine motor skills. I can’t wait to try out my toolkit on them during our full week of fieldwork next week. I also worked at a launch event last week for Interacting with Autism, an online resource with documentary-like videos that invites website visitors to interact with various topics. The launch event was so cool! There were various poster presentations, lectures, and musical performances by the Miracle Group which is a fine arts program for children with autism. I was so impressed with their musical abilities!

All right, it’s time to go back to the grind. The important thing is that that I’m somehow surviving this madness, thanks to caffeine, great study buddies, fun assignments, and epic study breaks. Now, if only those study breaks didn’t include running into my nemesis yet again.

Clarissa at Disneyland Halloween Party