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HSC Master Plan and Beautification Project


September 20, 2018

Housing and Transportation Living in LA

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If you’re like me, you can’t walk past a construction site without wondering what’s going up. Here at HSC (USC Health Science Campus) there’s a lot to wonder about! We are fortunate to be in school at a time when the university and is significantly investing in infrastructure, so I thought I’d take a moment to share with you a little about some of the projects we students walk by on a daily basis.

Street Beautification Project
In process; intended to make the campus more publicly accessible and pedestrian friendly. Improvements include wider sidewalks for a safer environment and more usable public space, new vegetation including drought tolerant flora and 200 new trees, and undergrounding of overhead utilities.

Image of newly-widened sidewalks

Norris Healthcare Consultation Center
114,000 square foot clinical building housing USC Institute of Urology, an infusion center treating both cancer and non-cancer patients, a women’s specialty care and breast imaging center, the Transplant Institute and the Outpatient Surgery Center. Just opened in January 2018!

Norris Healthcare Consultation Center

Hyatt House
A new 200 bed hotel with extended stay suites! Facilities will include ground floor retail with a sit down restaurant. Its convenient location right next to the San Pablo Parking structure and Curry Residential Complex will make it an ideal place for OT Families to stay when in town for the white coat ceremony.

Construction of the new Hyatt House

And this is just the beginning. Keep in mind this isn’t even inclusive of all the work being done to county owned buildings at LAC-USC hospital right next door! It’s an exciting time to be a student at USC.