My Last Semester

January 17, 2012
by Floyd
Gosh, I can’t believe that this will be my final semester of graduate school. I feel like it flew by so fast. As I think back, I am happy to say that I do not regret the path I have chosen for myself in becoming an Occupational Therapist. I am glad that I always took the initiative to be part of every opportunity USC has to offer. Such like this position as a Student Ambassador. This position gave me the opportunity to work in the area of recruitment where I get to interact with new and promising faces of OT and talk to them about what I am passionate about — Occupational Therapy.
I can’t believe 2012 just started and I am already thinking about my new adventures after I graduate. I wonder where I will be in 5 to 10 years. Hopefully doing something I am happy and proud of. Since I know it will be in OT, I know confident that my goals and aspirations will follow.
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