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USC Chan Division of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy
USC Chan Division of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy
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Group Projects


January 22, 2014

Classes Community Diversity

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So far this semester, I feel like I have had a number a group projects. The great thing about USC being such a large program is that with each new project, I generally get to work with someone new! I enjoy this because each person in the program has something different and exciting to offer. Everyone in the program has I different background, I’ve become friends with people who were professional dancers, writers, teachers, accountants, and more! I am glad that I went straight from undergrad to grad school because I never had a chance to get out of the “school mode,” but my peers that did work before starting grad school have brought such great experiences and knowledge with them . . . and I’m fortunate that they are always willing to share their knowledge with me!