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University of Southern California
University of Southern California
USC Chan Division of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy
USC Chan Division of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy
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Hawaii Nei


September 15, 2015

Fieldwork What are OS/OT?

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Aloha lovely readers!

As I mentioned in my first blog, this blog will be entirely devoted to my first Level II fieldwork experience in Oahu, Hawaii this past summer. During our program, students are required to complete three Level I fieldwork rotations, which are one time a week for 12 weeks throughout the semester, as well as two Level II fieldworks, which are full-time for 12 weeks in the summer. I had the amazing opportunity to complete my Level II fieldwork at Queen’s Medical Center in the heart of Honolulu. This was an acute, inpatient hospital setting where I primarily worked with adults and older adults in the orthopedic & spine unit. This fieldwork experience provided me with such an immense amount of knowledge regarding all aspects of rehabilitation within an acute inpatient hospital setting. My clinical instructor provided me with an insurmountable amount of mentorship and was the most wonderful role model during my time at Queen’s Medical Center. I left this fieldwork experience feeling much more confident in my capabilities of performing as an entry-level occupational therapy practitioner within an acute inpatient hospital setting.

Once again, here is a snapshot of my time spent in Hawaii this past summer!

My USC OT classmates who also completed level 2 fieldwork in Hawaii!

My fellow USC OT classmates who also completed their Level 2 fieldworks at various sites throughout Oahu!

My wonderful clinical instructor and I on my last day of fieldwork!

My wonderful clinical instructor and I during my last week of fieldwork!

Two of my favorite occupations: eating and going to the beach!

Two of my favorite occupations in one picture: eating and going to the beach!

I also was able to try a new occupation during my time in Hawaii: surfing!

I was also able to try a new occupation during my time in Hawaii . . . surfing!

My best friend suprised me in Hawaii for my birthday!

And my best friend flew all the way from LA to surprise me for my birthday!

Well, that wraps it up for this blog about my Level II fieldwork experience. I hope you enjoyed it! Stay tuned for my next blog. 😊