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University of Southern California
University of Southern California
USC Chan Division of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy
USC Chan Division of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy
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One big happy family


November 8, 2015


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As this semester is coming to an end, I have began to reflect on how thankful I am to have such an amazing group of classmates in the program. Even though we are split into three different cohorts, whenever there is an opportunity for everyone to come together, we are like one big family! Yesterday we had our homecoming tailgate with the physical therapy students and it was a ton of fun getting to catch up with classmates, as well as mingle with the PT students. Our social chairs do a wonderful job planning all these events for us to all come together to have a good time. The next division-wide event that we are looking forward to is the OT/PT Forum and our Thanksgiving Potluck! Stay tuned for my next blog with updates from all the festivities!

Social chairs Jen and Zach!

Our wonderful second-year social chair, Jen, and PT social chair, Zach!

USC OTs at the homecoming tailgate!

USC OTs at the homecoming tailgate!

And most importantly . . . USC won last night! Fight on!