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USC Chan Division of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy
USC Chan Division of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy
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Swim With Mike


April 23, 2013

Community Getting Involved

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Earlier in the month, I joined a group of fellow OT students in participating in Swim With Mike (SWM), an annual swim-a-thon held on the USC campus to raise funds for the Physically Challenged Athletes Scholarship Fund. SWM began in 1981 at USC to raise funds for an adequately equipped van for Mike Nyeholt, a three-time All-American swimmer who was paralyzed from a motorcycle accident he had survived earlier in the year. Greatly moved by the generosity and enthusiastic support of his teammates and friends, Mike used the excess funds to create the scholarship fund at USC and it has now grown to support students across the nation. I encourage you to read more about the history of this great event.

Montage of relay swim

Growing up as a swimmer, I have had ample opportunity to participate in swim-a-thons but I have never experienced one quite like SWM. Because this was the 33rd year that the event was held at USC, there was a certain challenge suggested among the OT and PT students and faculty to form relay teams and have a representative swim for 33 consecutive hours. The turnout for our group was great, with a consistent flow of OT students, friends and supporters. We also had a lane designated right next to our PT friends so that made for good company in the odd hours of the evening/morning. I swam from 4AM-6AM and was so taken by the number of swimmers in the water, and happy to be there! There was a little boy, maybe 10 years old, who was so excited to jump in and start a swim set — it was only 4:30AM! The rest of the participants and volunteers started trickling in to set up for opening ceremonies and welcomes (for the people who swam at normal hours) ;] and it was so exciting to see how involved and enthusiastic everyone was for the event. The entire USC swim team was there right as I left, ready for their SWM practice. The sense of community was so strong throughout the event and I feel that this event is something which I will remain close to in my years as Trojan alum. Way to represent OT, everyone!

Swim with Mike at USC pool