2nd China Initiative Academic Workshop: Academic Integrity and APA Citations
March 6, 2021
The USC Chan China Initiative team leads a 2nd workshop focused on the importance of academic integrity and necessity of citations in academic writing in order to support the PKUHSC students.
Academics and Courses China Initiative Community and Partners International
As part of ongoing efforts to support the PKUHSC master’s students academically, the China Initiative OTD residents led a 2nd workshop discussing the importance of academic integrity and the use of APA formatting/citations in academic papers and presentations. This topic was selected in response to needs expressed by the PKUHSC students following the 1st Academic Workshop last September. Students participated in a pre-workshop quiz to assess their knowledge, and to address common misconceptions/mistakes related to academic integrity. They also had the opportunity to directly practice using APA citations and obtain feedback. Learning to uphold academic integrity and to protect the intellectual property of others is a core component of professional ethics, and will prepare the PKUHSC students for success throughout their program and as future OT professionals.
A slide listing requirements of each heading level in APA format
A slide demonstrating a reference formatted according to APA
Attendees: USC China Initiative OTD Residents Tsam (Sanny) Ning and Li Shan Wee, PKUHSC students