Latest Chan Division News
China Initiative
USC-PKUHSC Dual-Degree OTD Monthly Seminars: Summer 2024 Semester Recap ⟩
July 26, 2024
Academics and Courses China Initiative Community and Partners International
The China Initiative team hosts three seminars in the summer semester to continue supporting the USC-PKUHSC dual-degree students with integrating their residency experiences and preparing for their return to China.
The China Initiative team continued to host monthly seminars to support the third cohort of USC-PKUHSC dual-degree students, now in their final semester of the post-professional Occupational Therapy Doctorate (OTD) program. Considering students’ specific interest areas and their full-time…
China Initiative Team Visit to PKUHSC and COTA Conference in China ⟩
May 26, 2024
Associations and Bodies China Initiative Conferences International
The China Initiative team travels to Beijing to visit with collaborators at the Peking University Health Science Center (PKUHSC) and attend the 2024 China Occupational Therapy Association (COTA) Conference and the International Occupational Therapy Educational Symposium in Weifang, Shandong Province.
This May, the China Initiative team, represented by Dr. Elena Meng and OTD resident Sally Wong, made their first trip back to China since the COVID-19 pandemic hiatus. Over two days, they met with our long-time collaborators and visited the Peking University Health Science Center (PKUHSC) campus and…
USC-PKUHSC Dual-Degree OTD Monthly Seminars: Spring 2024 Recap ⟩
May 8, 2024
Academics and Courses China Initiative Community and Partners International
The third cohort from Peking University Health Science Center (PKUHSC) completes their second semester at USC Chan and the China Initiative team continues to host monthly seminars to support their abilities to apply knowledge and experiences from their residencies to various contexts in China.
The China Initiative team hosted the spring series of monthly seminars for the third cohort of USC-PKUHSC dual-degree students to supplement their mixed-track residencies across research and clinical settings. The monthly seminars provide valuable opportunities for peer mentorship and reflective…
PKUHSC Delegation Visit to USC Chan Division and 2024 AOTA Inspire Conference ⟩
March 18, 2024
Associations and Bodies China Initiative Community and Partners Conferences Global Initiatives International
A delegation from Peking University Health Science Center (PKUHSC) visited the USC Chan Division and attended the 2024 American Occupational Therapy Association (AOTA) Annual Conference & Expo in Orlando to promote continued collaboration and knowledge sharing between the two institutions.
The China Initiative team hosted the PKUHSC delegation at the USC Chan Division and the 2024 AOTA Inspire Conference & Expo in Orlando, FL. This was the first time the two teams met since the COVID-19 pandemic. The delegation included honorable representatives from the PKUHSC Office of International…
USC-PKUHSC Dual-Degree OTD Monthly Seminars: Fall 2023 Semester Recap ⟩
December 11, 2023
China Initiative Community and Partners International Students
The third cohort from Peking University Health Science Campus (PKUHSC) kicked off their first semester at USC Chan with the fall series of monthly seminars hosted by the China Initiative team to facilitate the application of their experiences in the United States to different contexts in China.
The China Initiative team hosted the fall series of monthly seminars for the USC-PKUHSC dual-degree cohort 3 students with a unique focus on connecting their learning journey in the United States to their future practice in China. The purpose of these seminars was to support their mixed-track OTD…
Q&A with the author of the Model of Occupational Harmony, Dr Yijun Liu ⟩
November 11, 2023
China Initiative Health and Wellness International
Dr. Yijun Liu, author of the Model of Occupational Harmony (MOHar), shared her perspectives on the development and future of MOHar in an interview with the China Initiative.
The China Initiative invited Dr. Yijun Liu, author of the Model of Occupational Harmony (MOHar) and an instructor in the USC-PKUHSC dual-degree program, to share her vision for the development of MOHar and its application in the field of occupational science (OS) globally. The MOHar is a conceptual…
The First China Initiative Community Reunion ⟩
October 13, 2023
China Initiative Community and Partners International Students
The China Initiative team hosted the first virtual reunion with the USC-PKUHSC dual-degree students and graduates, as well as previous China Initiative OTD residents, celebrating a growing community of professionals advancing OT in China.
Last week, the USC China Initiative celebrated a heartwarming reunion, bringing together students, educators, and professionals in a special virtual gathering. Hosted by the China Initiative team, the event demonstrated the strong and supportive community that has grown out of the unique partnership…
Where the China Initiative all began ⟩
September 7, 2023
Academics and Courses Alumni China Initiative Community and Partners Global Initiatives
In China, Teacher's Day is an official national holiday recognized on Sept. 10. To help celebrate, China Initiative residents Sanny Ning and Li Shan Wee, and faculty member Elena Meng, spoke with the dual-degree program's alumni who are now back in Beijing teaching the next generation of occupational therapists.
In August 2022, the USC Chan Division celebrated the first cohort of graduates from the USC–PKUHSC dual-degree program. Students in the program earn an entry-level master’s degree in rehabilitation therapy (occupational therapy track) at PKUHSC followed by a post-professional occupational…
USC Chan Division Welcomes Third Cohort of Dual-Degree Students from PKUHSC ⟩
August 31, 2023
China Initiative Community and Partners International Students
USC Chan Division China Initiative welcomes the third cohort of dual-degree students from PKUHSC, setting a positive tone for the academic year and building a strong community for international students.
On August 31, 2023, the USC China Initiative marked a significant milestone as it welcomed the third and final cohort of students associated with the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Peking University Health Science Center (PKUHSC) to complete their occupational therapy doctorate (OTD) year…
USC-PKUHSC Dual-Degree OTD Monthly Seminars: Summer 2023 Semester Recap ⟩
August 8, 2023
Academics and Courses China Initiative Community and Partners International
USC-PKUHSC dual-degree cohort 2 students conclude their Occupational Therapy Doctorate (OTD) year by integrating mixed-track residency experiences and applying their learning across cultural contexts during the final series of monthly seminars.
During the Summer semester, the China Initiative hosted the third and final series of monthly seminars for the second cohort of dual-degree students from Peking University Health Science Center (PKUHSC), as they wrap up their Summer semester in the occupational therapy doctorate (OTD) program. These…