Inaugural China Initiative Academic Workshop: Critical Reading in Graduate School
September 25, 2020
The China Initiative OTD residents hosted a series of virtual workshops with the first one centered on critical reading in graduate school for the first-year PKUHSC students.
Academics and Courses China Initiative Community and Partners International
With the beginning of a new academic year, the China Initiative OTD residents began a new project to provide academic support to the master’s students enrolled in the occupational therapy-focused master’s program at Peking University Health Science Center (PKUHSC). The inaugural workshop focuses on critical reading in graduate school for first-year students, covering various strategies to approach different types of text. This topic is especially timely, as PKUHSC students are making a major transition from the traditional Chinese educational system, which consists of few readings and all content delivered in Chinese. They are having to quickly adapt to the high amount of readings in this program, nearly all of which are in English! Students were attentive throughout the presentation and a PKUHSC student shared at the end, “This workshop was really interesting and helpful!”
Students contributed to a Jamboard activity in which students practice categorizing concepts in academic writing
Participants have also suggested other topics they would like to learn more about in future workshops, such as APA citation, academic integrity, academic writing, research strategies, professional presentations, etc. The China Initiative residents plan to organize workshops on a regular basis in upcoming semesters, for both first year and second year students, to ease their transition to the master’s program and to increase their readiness for the doctorate program at USC.
USC China Initiative OTD Residents Li Shan Wee and Tsam (Sanny) Ning, PKUHSC Cohort 2 students