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New “Black Identity and Well-Being” section for OT-100 THRIVE course
September 14, 2021

USC Chan partners with the USC Center for Black Cultural and Student Affairs to deliver culturally relevant content to undergraduate students.

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A new discussion section of the OT-100 THRIVE: Foundations of Well-Being course focusing on “Black Identity and Well-Being” is being piloted this fall semester.

THRIVE flyer

The discussion section is co-taught by USC Chan faculty Dr. Ashley Uyeshiro Simon and USC Center for Black Cultural and Student Affairs (CBCSA) Director Greedley Harris III.

The section’s purpose is to explore “themes of thriving including well-being, self-care and connection as they relate to and intersect with Black identity,” according to a course description. It is open to every major and, and is for students “who identify with, and/or want to connect with and learn about the Black community.”

If the pilot is successful, Uyeshiro Simon and Harris hope that the model can be offered to explore other identities.

Read the full article about all of the USC Student Equity and Inclusion Programs at USC Today.