Latest Chan Division News
Spirit Intact, Soldier Reclaims His Life (source: NY Times) ⟩
July 7, 2010
Alumni Chan in the Media Clinical
Article cites Capt. Sarah Mitsch, Class of 2001: Spirit Intact, Soldier Reclaims His Life. In the nearly 15 months since losing his limbs, Specialist Marrocco has pushed past pain and exhaustion to learn to use his four prosthetics, though he can walk for only 15 minutes at a time. Credit Ruth…
Meeting the Mental Health Needs of Adolescents ⟩
July 1, 2010
Alumni Chan in the Media Faculty Health and Wellness
Be sure to see Meeting the Mental Health Needs of Adolescents, written by alum Sarah Bream, in the June 28, 2010 issue of OT Practice.