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Occupational therapy’s unique value in breast cancer care ⟩
October 31, 2017

Clinical Events Faculty Health and Wellness

Assistant Clinical Professor Michelle Lee Hsia discusses the unique value of occupational therapy services during October's Breast Cancer Awareness Month

By Michelle Lee Hsia / Photo by Ted Fu Breast cancer is the second leading cause of cancer death among women, claiming the lives of more 40,500 people each year. Thanks to improvements in early detection and advances in medical diagnostics and treatments that have improved survival rates, more than…

OTAC 2017: Interview with student presenter Ranier Barrett MA ’18 ⟩
October 19, 2017

Associations and Bodies Clinical Diversity, Access, Equity Faculty Health and Wellness Students

More than 80 Trojan faculty members, students and alumni are presenting during the 2017 conference of the Occupational Therapy Association of California, including master's degree student Ranier Barrett MA ’18; Student Ambassador Erika Lim MA ’18 spoke with Barrett about her experience preparing for her first professional conference presentation, titled "Occupational Justice in Relation to Youth in Juvenile Hall"

Ranier Barrett MA ’18/Photo courtesy of Ranier Barrett Congratulations on being a presenter at OTAC! How are you feeling about presenting? I oscillate between elation and apprehension. Hailing from an undergraduate performance background, I'm looking forward to the presentation part; I'm more…

Making aging more mobile with new smartphone app ⟩
October 16, 2017

Awards Chan in the Media Faculty Health and Wellness Research Technology

NIH-funded MovingUp app developed by Schepens Niemiec will be first of its kind

By Mike McNulty / USC Today If the infomercials are to be believed, older adults want cellphones that are anything but smart. With oversized displays and one-touch medical alert buttons, products like the Jitterbug flip phone are simple by design. But technology usage trends among seniors are…

Help with hoarding disorder on World Mental Health Day 2017 ⟩
October 10, 2017

Events Faculty Health and Wellness Research

By Mike McNulty Hoarding disorder has been found to affect between 2-6 percent of the population, and a growing body of research highlights the complexities involved in hoarding disorder and its impact on people's occupational, social and vocational function. To raise public awareness of mental…

Practical tips for Brain Injury Awareness Month ⟩
March 22, 2017

Clinical Events Health and Wellness

By Mike McNulty More than 12 million Americans live with a brain injury caused by any number of non-hereditary or non-developmental reasons such as disease, oxygen deprivation or tumors. The scope of brain injuries ranges from mild to severe, and symptoms can exhibit as personality changes, trouble…

The people who make you look good are suffering ⟩
March 7, 2017

Chan in the Media Clinical Faculty Health and Wellness Research

By Monica Luhar/Vice.com "For tattoo artists, hair stylists or anybody holding a device with the tendons contracted and potentially flexing or holding against resistance, that nerve might be getting compressed over time," says Shawn Roll, assistant professor of Occupational Science and Occupational…

Shawn Roll is guest editor of latest AJOT on musculoskeletal conditions ⟩
January 23, 2017

Clinical Faculty Health and Wellness Research

Research journal issue kicks off profession's centennial anniversary celebrations

By Mike McNulty Assistant Professor Shawn C. Roll is the guest editor of the January/February 2017 issue of the American Journal of Occupational Therapy. The issue focuses on comprehensive summaries of evidence and multiple original research articles on the treatment of common musculoskeletal…

A dog among doctors: Health center’s newest staffer is man’s best friend ⟩
September 15, 2016

Chan in the Media Clinical Faculty Health and Wellness

Meet Professor Beauregard Tirebiter, the first full-time university facility dog in the country: He’s got office hours and everything

By Joanna Clay/USC News USC recently added a new staff member. And you could easily say he’s the furriest. Professor Beauregard Tirebiter — dubbed “Beau” for short — is a 2-year-old black Goldendoodle. He makes USC the first and only university in the United States with a full-time…

Could occupational therapy lead to a better night’s sleep? ⟩
September 12, 2016

Faculty Health and Wellness Lifestyle Redesign Research

By Mike McNulty Every occupational therapist knows that the foundation for living well includes a healthy daily balance between work, play, rest and sleep. But while therapeutic interventions often target patients’ habits, roles, routines and environments during waking hours, their combined…

Friends with benefits in obesity research ⟩
June 29, 2016

Faculty Health and Wellness Research

New research shows how social and family relationships can improve adolescents’ obesity-related behaviors

By Mike McNulty As the saying goes, it’s not what you know, but who you know. And in the nation’s ongoing fight against obesity, the quality of social relationships with peers and family members might buffer the impact of neighborhood economic contexts. New findings published by USC researcher…

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