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Le French Cooking


February 29, 2012

Community School/Life Balance

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As an undergrad, I studied abroad in Grenoble, France for a semester. While I was there, I took an amazing cooking class with a French woman in her home. She taught me and the five other students how to cook traditional French meals using fresh, local ingredients (often sourced from her own garden and poultry). At the end of the class, she provided us all with a handwritten recipe book outlining how to prepare all of the meals we had learned. Unfortunately, somewhere along the way, I lost my copy. So you can imagine how excited I was to learn that my friend Deana, who also took the class, still had hers. And she lives right down the street from me! We decided that we would start cooking all of the recipes from the book, occasionally throwing French dinner parties so our friends could enjoy the food. One of the first recipes we are going to try is mousse au chocolat. I can’t wait. First things first, though — the recipes are all written in French and using the metric system. So we are just hoping that nothing gets lost in translation and we don’t end up pulling an Amelia Bedelia (you remember her, right?).