Student Blog

Almost Done . . . ⟩
May 1, 2012, by Alix
Beginnings and Endings School/Life Balance
I can’t believe that the year is almost finished. It’s flown by so quickly! We’re only one little comprehensive exam away from a Master’s Degree.
On my to-do list:
- Take comps
- OT Prom (annual end-of-year soiree for students, faculty, and staff)
- Get married (nbd)
- Fieldwork all summer
It’s been a pleasure guest-blogging on behalf of the Division for the past few months. Get excited for a brand new batch of Student Ambassadors to start blogging for the next year.

LA Times Book Festival ⟩
April 17, 2012, by Alix
Before I came to LA, I worked as a book editor in New York City. So my past and present lives will collide this weekend when the Los Angeles Times Festival of Books comes to USC. We’ll have a booth there to showcase USC OT faculty books and spread the word about OT, and we’re also hosting a health tent with free stress management, weight management, low-vision, and sensory integration stations (free stuff!). I’m looking forward to exploring the festival and possibly seeing some of my old publishing co-workers, this time from the completely different perspective of an industry outsider.

April is OT Month! ⟩
April 3, 2012, by Alix
According to the American Occupational Therapy Association: “Each year in April, occupational therapists, occupational therapy assistants, and students in practice, education, research, and science host a month long celebration showcasing the importance of Occupational Therapy. It’s the time of year when everyone in the profession goes out of their way to tell the world about what we do.” At USC, we’re doing our part to promote the field for OT Month. Yesterday, we hosted an “OT Month Kickoff” event with entertainment from the dashing and talented ambassadors Chelsea Robinson and Chris Thompson. We also got free lunch (!) and custom-made OT buttons (also designed by the shockingly talented ambassadors). D’Andre (Dee) Holland emceed the event, which was incredible. Thanks, Dee! We hope that everybody remembers to represent occupational therapy this month by taking a few minutes to tell a friend (or a stranger) what you love most about the profession.

OTD Admitted Student Meeting ⟩
March 21, 2012, by Alix
This afternoon I finally got to see all of my fellow OTD classmates in the same room at the same time. 😂 The Division held a meeting to tell all of the admitted OT students about what to expect from the program (which starts in the fall), how to register for classes, and how to find a residency site. It was fun to see who I would be spending the next year and change with and to learn more about the amazing projects that OTD students have completed in the past. While I already know that I’ll be working in Lifestyle Redesign with the Faculty Practice here at USC, I’m not 100% sure yet what I will be doing as a project. I’m hoping that it will have something to do with bolstering OT’s presence in oncology and/or integrative medicine. Either way, it’s definitely starting to seem more real and imminent now that we’ve had our first official meeting. If you’re new to USC OT and want to learn more about the OTD program, you can find it here.

Le French Cooking ⟩
February 29, 2012, by Alix
As an undergrad, I studied abroad in Grenoble, France for a semester. While I was there, I took an amazing cooking class with a French woman in her home. She taught me and the five other students how to cook traditional French meals using fresh, local ingredients (often sourced from her own garden and poultry). At the end of the class, she provided us all with a handwritten recipe book outlining how to prepare all of the meals we had learned. Unfortunately, somewhere along the way, I lost my copy. So you can imagine how excited I was to learn that my friend Deana, who also took the class, still had hers. And she lives right down the street from me! We decided that we would start cooking all of the recipes from the book, occasionally throwing French dinner parties so our friends could enjoy the food. One of the first recipes we are going to try is mousse au chocolat. I can’t wait. First things first, though — the recipes are all written in French and using the metric system. So we are just hoping that nothing gets lost in translation and we don’t end up pulling an Amelia Bedelia (you remember her, right?).