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USC Chan Division of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy
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Send Silence Packing


October 13, 2011


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I’m looking forward to an event at USC tomorrow called Send Silence Packing. Sponsored by Active Minds, Inc., this event will include an exhibit of 1,100 backpacks on the lawn of Alumni Park, each one representing a college student who lost his or her life to suicide in the past year. The backpacks contain stories, photos, and other mementos from family members who have lost their loved ones to suicide. Mental health issues on campus can sometimes be difficult to talk about, so I think this will be a powerful way to raise awareness and promote dialogue. Best of luck to everybody volunteering at the event tomorrow.

Backpacks on the lawn at Alumni Park

1. .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) | October 19, 2011

Wow i love this idea. I recently saw a movie called Three Idiots. Its actually a Hindi movie about their school system and their suicide rates. The reason for making this comment was to ask how can another school do the same thing? How did you get 1000 backpacks?! This is a great and moving idea and statement.

2. .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) | October 21, 2011

You can contact Active Minds at activeminds.org to organize this (or something similar!) for your campus.