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USC Chan Division of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy
USC Chan Division of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy
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Happy New Year


January 14, 2013

School/Life Balance

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Today is the first day of the Spring Semester — the last semester of my Master’s program. I cannot believe how quickly the past year and a half has passed. It’s incredible to think that in a few short months I will be graduating and on my way to becoming a certified occupational therapist. It has been a long and challenging journey, and one that I have chosen to continue. Over the break I committed to continuing my education by entering the doctorate program next year. I am excited for what the next two years will hold!

My holiday break was full of fun and family. I had several items on my to do list, and as predicted I only accomplished a few of them. However, I did catch up with dozens of friends and family, and traveled to Oregon, Nevada, and Northern California. It was wonderful to see people I haven’t seen in years, and know that they haven’t forgotten about me since my move to Southern California. Here are a few photos from my holiday: cuddling a newborn lamb in Bodega Bay, my Grandpa’s farm in Oregon, visiting the Oregon coast, and my baby nephew in San Jose.

Happy New Year everyone!

Montage of photos: Amber with lamb, Oregon farm, Oregon coats, and with baby in San Jose