OT/PT Forum

November 13, 2012
by Amber
Getting Involved What are OS/OT?
Last night I attended the OT/PT Forum, which served as an opportunity for students and practitioners to explore interdisciplinary collaboration between the fields of Occupational Therapy and Physical Therapy. The discussion involved a variety of case scenarios in pediatrics, pain management, and hospital-based physical disabilities. Interdisciplinary teams representing both fields contributed their intervention ideas for these true scenarios. For example, one case involved a man who was in an acute stage of treatment for cancer that had affected his spinal cord and therefore his ability to walk. The physical therapist focused on helping the man to regain strength, balance, and retraining him to walk. The occupational therapist focused on the deep anxiety that the man was feeling due to his disability, and helped him with relaxation and compensatory strategies. It was fascinating to hear the perspectives of physical therapy practitioners, and gain an appreciation for their approach to treatment. The Forum also brought to light current research from both occupational therapy and physical therapy. The event has been presented by our occupational therapy honor society, Pi Theta Epsilon, for three years. Please comment if you have any ideas for topics for the next OT/PT Forum!
Photos by Steve Mar and Amanda Panotes
Photos by Steve Mar and Amanda Panotes
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1. .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) | November 14, 2012
Thanks for coming to the Forum, Amber! It could not have been a success without all of the students that attended. It was great to see OT and PT students engaged in lively discussions!
2. .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) | November 14, 2012
This event was so fun and insightful. Thank you to PTE and PTSA for organizing and hosting the event! It is always something to look forward to :] The presenters told me after that they were also very please to be a part of the event and had a great time sharing their experiences in interdisciplinary practice.